Collection: 07/13/23 Flannel on the Trail Summer Liquid Glass Workshop 6pm

Come join us for a Liquid Glass workshop at FLANNEL ON THE TRAIL- 45 West Main St Hancock, MD on July 13th at 6pm-9pm with Hammer & Stain Chambersburg. We are introducing an awesome new product for you. You are sure to fall in love with this one!!


These projects all feature 3D pieces as well as a liquid glass to give your piece a glass like look.  You will be able to customize your project with choice of stain and paint colors. Photos are samples only.  The round size is 12" round. 

To Register:

1. Select the project you would like from the drop down menu 

2. Agree to terms

3. Write in who you would like to sit with or put n/a

4. Add item to your cart and proceed through the check out process.